March 18, 2021 - Minutes
For a printable version of Board of Commissioners March 18, 2021 Minutes, click here.
Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-07 & 2020-18 signed by Governor Pritzker and guidance provided by legal counsel, the Lake County Housing Authority conducted this meeting by use of telephonic or electronic means without a physical quorum present in the boardroom. Public access to this meeting was available as follows: Call: 1 312-626-6799 and Enter Meeting ID 893 2281 7211.
Consequently, the March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake was held as a teleconference via the Zoom platform. A public notice of the meeting and the opportunity for telephonic access by the public has been posted on LCHA's social media and website (
The Regular Board Meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois, was held March 18, 2021 via Zoom and at the Lake County Housing Authority Central Office, 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030.
(Commissioners participated in this Board Meeting via teleconference.)
Dr. H. Lee Jordan, Jr., Chairman
Kevin Considine, Vice Chairman
John Idleburg, Commissioner
Susan Malter, Commissioner
Irina Mishalov, Commissioner
Beverly Mull, Commissioner
Absent: None
Present: (Physically present at 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030.)
LCHA Staff:
Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/CEO
Ofelia Navarro, Deputy Director
Khadija Darr, Chief Financial Officer
Lefran Elgezdi, Director of Human Resources
Valerie Rogers, Executive Secretary
Posting of the notice of this meeting and agenda complied with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2.02(a)). The notice and agenda were posted prior to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at the principal office, 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030 and on the Agency's website,
Noting that a quorum of Commissioners was present, Chairman Jordan called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. Roll call was taken, and the following Commissioners were present: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Absent: None.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Public comments were accepted by email at or by leaving a voice message at (847) 223-1170 ext. 2320. Comments received by 9:00 a.m. on March 18, 2021 are to be read at the appropriate time in the agenda. No Public Comments were submitted either by email or telephone by 9:00 a.m. on 3/18/21. Chairman Jordan opened the floor for public comment. No one requested to be heard.
After discussion, Vice Chairman Considine moved, seconded by Commissioner Idleburg to approve the Minutes of the February 18, 2021 Regular and Executive Session Minutes - Personnel Matters. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: None. Motion Carries.
The list of bills and financial report were submitted by Chief Financial Officer Khadija Darr.
(See Exhibits 23, 22)
After discussion, Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Considine to approve the list of bills as presented. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: None. Motion Carries.
The following reports for February 2021 were provided.
Public Housing Program, LCHA Rentalst-Aaron Broeski, Director of Public Housing Procurement
Housing Choice Vouchers, PBV, Jennifer Ferguson, Director of HCV & Compliance Portability & Collections
FSS, Housing Counseling-Heidi Semenek, Director of FSS & Special Programs, Mainstream Vouchers & FUP
Human Resources Lefran Elgezdi, Director of Human Resources
FOIA/OMA Travel-Training Valerie Rogers, Executive Secretary/FOIA & OMA
Other Matters
- On 3/1/21, Lake County released email notices to LCHA Commissioners and staff required to complete a Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) for 2020. Please locate and consider the E-filing option for submission of your SEI.
Filers who have not completed an E-filing by the morning of March 11th will receive a paper version of the filing notice letter and the SEI paper form via US mail. Your SEI filing is required to be completed and filed with Lake County no later than May 1, 2021. Failure to file by the May 1 deadline will incur a $15 late filing fee. For confirmation that your E-filing submission was successful, please generate and maintain the filing receipt for your records. Those who have not filed by May 15 are also subject to a penalty of $100 per day in addition to the $15 late filing fee specified above. - The Board was advised of proposed changes to the Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP), Grievance Procedure, Pet Policy & the Public Housing Lease.
The required Resident Advisory Board Meeting was held 3/9/21. LCHA consultant Mary Ann Russ gave a comprehensive overview supported by examples. Twenty (20) personal invitations were mailed to participants from the various programs.
Two (2) residents participated and engaged in the full review and ensuing discussions. The summation of the RAB meeting and the summary of changes are attached. (See Exhibit 06) - On 3/11/21 ED/CEO Lorraine Hocker had a Zoom meeting with Deanna Olmem, Manager 211 and Safe & Stable Families of United Way of Lake County. They reviewed the 211 referral process and the LCHA areas clients have been directed to.
211 is a free, confidential, 24-hour information and referral helpline connecting individuals and families in need with access to available health and human services. 211 is Lake County's one-stop-shop for help.
FY 20 (September 24, 2019 - June 30, 2020)
Lake County Housing Authority- Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program 7
Lake County Housing Authority- Housing Counseling Program 13
Lake County Housing Authority- Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program 158
Grand Total 178
FY 21 (July 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020)
Lake County Housing Authority-Community Outreach & Assistance Emergency Mortgage Assistance 27
Lake County Housing Authority-Community Outreach & Assistance Emergency Rental Assistance 25
Lake County Housing Authority- Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program 4
Lake County Housing Authority- Housing Counseling Program 10
Lake County Housing Authority- Lake County COVID-19 Housing Relief Program (CHRP) 76
Lake County Housing Authority- Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program 145
Grand Total 287
They discussed putting a hold on the Section 8 information as our waiting list is not open. The 211 team will instead share other community resources. Deanna provided a link for the 211 Promotional Tool Kit. - LCHA was first approached about drainage at Clearbrook's Wright Home in Gurnee in 2019. (See Exhibit 07). The Clearbrook's Wright Home property is adjacent to Warren Manor. Many meetings, evaluations and discussions took place along with a change in LCHA Administration and the arrival of COVID-19.
ED/CEO Lorraine Hocker joined Lake County Planning & Building for a site visit on 3/15/21 for further assessment. They met at Clearbrook's Wright Home (34377 Almond Road Gurnee) to discuss the backyard standing water issues and drainage options. The Wright Home is an Intermediate Care Facility for 16 individuals with developmental disabilities. 14 of those individuals use wheels chairs.
Over the years Clearbrook has had a problem with storm water standing in the back yard which leads to issues with mosquitos and the deterioration of asphalt pathways. This limits the ability to have their residents enjoy the back yard during the summer.
In the past 18 months they have reached out to LCHA and Brian Frank from Lake County about the installation of drainage tiles that would resolve their standing water issues. LCHA has large drainage swales along the South and West sides of our property that they believe should be able to handle the runoff from Clearbrook's property. This is based upon discussions with 2 Code Plumbing - owner Shannon Locklear, a plumbing contractor that LCHA recommended they work with to develop drainage options.
To fund the drainage project and replacement of sidewalks/pathways, Clearbrook submitted for a Lake County CDBG grant which was funded in the Fall of 2020. They are now working with Dominic Strezo from Lake County Community Development on implementing the grant and are in the process of developing the final scope of work, permit applications and bid documents. Tim Phelan, Senior Site Development Inspector for Lake County will be drafting alternate solutions. - Through the Resident Services Coordinators, LCHA has been lobbying with Lake County Health Department to provide COVID-19 vaccines for our senior building residents. ED/CEO Lorraine Hocker was able to speak with an LCHD rep who indicated a scheduling would be possible. LCHD admitted they will only be receiving 65% of their expected supply but hopes to service our seniors mid-April 2021. LCHD is offering transportation to/from vaccination sites and LCHA will provide additional transportation support with our van and bus. LCHA has begun distributing surveys to determine interest and obtain a count to be prepared for actual scheduling.
- Lake County Federal Emergency Rental Assistance (FERA)
The COVID Housing Relief Program (CHRP) which Lake County Housing Authority was a part of ended in December 2020. From July through December 30, 2020, CHRP partners received over 1,670 referrals for rent and utility assistance and served 2,087 residents (766 households) with $2,194,773.40 in assistance!
This program was unprecedented in Lake County. LCHA helped shape this program and get information and resources to the community members most in need. Most of all, LCHA kept our neighbors housed.
A new rental assistance program will soon be available to Lake County residents impacted by COVID-19. Eligible community agencies will have the opportunity to partner with the County of Lake.
The Lake County's new program, called Federal Emergency Rental Assistance (FERA), will be implemented through community partners similar to the CHRP program. The program will be able to assist residents with additional months of rent and utility assistance.
The Lake County Housing Authority (LCHA) has responded to a Request for Partners issued by the County of Lake to distribute funds up to $2,000,000 ("Maximum Grant") per partner, under the FERA program. Deputy Director Ofelia Navarro revealed LCHA has been awarded the maximum grant of $2M; $1.8M for subsidies and $200,000 for administration. She clarified the announcement of the award was just released but no contracts have been received. She explained due to program time restrictions, and no objection from the Board, LCHA will execute the contract and approach the Board for reaffirmation.
In response to a question, Deputy Director Navarro explained it is envisioned these program funds will be used to assist those not currently served by LCHA but still waiting on a list for assistance or denied application to the currently closed waiting lists.
Amending the HCV Administrative Plan - Chapter 6-I.G. Assets-Checking and Savings Accounts
LCHA is proposing to change to Chapter 6 of the HCV Administrative Plan which addresses Income and Subsidy Determinations, specifically in the area of Checking and Savings Accounts and how to calculate the average daily balance.
It clarifies calculation of average daily balance with non-interest-bearing accounts, gives authority to use a statement field as average daily balance without implementing a calculation and for those who have an interest-bearing checking/savings account, the ending balance which includes the interest should be taken.
After discussion, Commissioner Malter introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, LCHA's Administrative Plan requires revision to foster a more cohesive, comprehensive and thorough process for determining income and subsidy; and
WHEREAS, if approved, the current Section, titled TYPES OF ASSETS, subsection titled CHECKING AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS would more accurately reflect how to determine a participant's value in her/her checking and/or savings account;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the following Section is amended as follows; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the amended Section is effective 4/1/2021.
New language is indicated in red. Deleted language is shown in strikeout.
Types of Assets
Checking and Savings Accounts
LCHA Policy
In determining the value of checking accounts, the PHA will use the ending balance of the most recent bank statement. In determining the anticipated income from an interest-bearing savings or checking account, the PHA will use the average of the beginning balance and ending balance of the most recent bank statement, multiply the value of the account by the current rate of interest paid on the account.
LCHA Policy
In determining the value of checking accounts, the LCHA will take the most recent checking statement and add the beginning balance and the ending balance and divide by 2 to get an average daily balance. In the instance when a checking account statement indicates an AVERAGE BALANCE, then that should be used instead. For savings accounts, use the ending balance on the most recent bank statement. For interest bearing checking/savings accounts, take the ending balance of the most recent statement as the cash value. Include the interest rates/return rates.
After discussion Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Mull to adopt Resolution 2021-39.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on March 18, 2021.
Amending the HCV Administrative Plan - Chapter 8-I.C. Life-Threatening Conditions
The alterations to the Administrative Plan's Housing Quality Standards section are taking place for two reasons:
The first being that the "Emergency Repairs" designation listed in 8-I.C., giving certain deficiencies 5 days to be completed, has been removed and those deficiencies considered serious and life threatening that fall within that group are being moved to the "Life-Threatening" deficiencies section, which allow only 24 hours for repairs to be made. The result of this being that there are now only 30 day and 24-hour deficiencies.
The second reason for amending the HQS section is to remove certain policies and procedures from sections where they do not apply and moving them to their appropriate sections. The specifics of these moves are provided in the accompanying resolutions.
After discussion, Commissioner Malter introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, LCHA's Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Leadership is requesting to amend the HCV Administrative Plan to eliminate the EMERGENCY REPAIRS subsection and include some of those deficiencies under Chapter 8-I.C. LIFE-THREATENING CONDITIONS; and
WHEREAS, by eliminating the EMERGENCY REPAIR section, which allots five (5) business days for correction, those deficiencies within the EMERGENCY REPAIR section considered serious and thus moved to LIFE THREATENING will consequently require correction within 24-hours;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the following Sections are amended as follows; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the amended Sections are effective 4/1/2021.
New language is indicated in red. Deleted language is shown in strikeout.
HUD requires the PHA to define life-threatening conditions and to notify the owner or the family (whichever is responsible) of the corrections required. The responsible party must correct life-threatening conditions within 24 hours of PHA notification.
LCHA Policy
The following are considered life-threatening conditions:
Inadequate heat when temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit
Natural gas leak
Electrical outlet smoking or sparking
Exposed electrical wires which could result in shock or fire
Smoke/Carbon Monoxide detectors not functioning
Refrigerator not working properly
Utilities not in service
Broken locks on first floor doors or windows
Security risks, such as broken doors or windows
Absence of a functioning toilet in the unit
Other conditions which pose a threat to the health or safety of occupants as determined by the HQS Inspector
Emergency repairs must be corrected within Five (5) working days:
Smoke detector
Carbon Monoxide Detector
Range and oven
Plumbing fixtures
Hot or cold water
No electricity
Broken lock on first floor window or door
Security risks such as broken doors or windows
Other conditions which pose a threat to the health or safety as determined by HQS inspector.
3. Non-emergency repairs must be corrected within 30 days.
Any condition that jeopardizes the security of the unit
Major plumbing leaks or flooding, waterlogged ceiling or floor in imminent danger of falling
Natural or LP gas or fuel oil leaks
Any electrical problem or condition that could result in shock or fire
Absence of a working heating system when outside temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit
Utilities not in service, including no running hot water
Conditions that present the imminent possibility of injury
Obstacles that prevent safe entrance or exit from the unit
Absence of a functioning toilet in the unit
Inoperable smoke detectors
If an owner fails to correct life-threatening conditions as required by the PHA, the PHA will enforce the HQS in accordance with HUD requirements. See 8-II.G.
If a family fails to correct a family-caused life-threatening condition as required by the PHA, the PHA will enforce the family obligations. See 8-II.H.
The owner will be required to repair an inoperable smoke detector unless the PHA determines that the family has intentionally disconnected it (by removing batteries or other means). In this case, the family will be required to repair the smoke detector within 24 hours.
After discussion Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Mull to adopt Resolution 2021-29.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on March 18, 2021.
Amending the HCV Administrative Plan -
Chapter 8-II.B. Initial HQS Inspection,
Chapter 8-II.F. Inspection Results And Reinspections For Units Under Hap Contract, and
Chapter 8-II.G. Enforcing Owner Compliance
After discussion, Commissioner Malter introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the LCHA's Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Leadership is requesting to amend the HCV Administrative Plan to refine and more appropriately reposition information that applies to:
Chapter 8-II.B. Initial HQS Inspection,
Chapter 8-II.F. Inspection Results And Reinspections For Units Under HAP Contract, and
Chapter 8-II.G. Enforcing Owner Compliance; and
WHEREAS, the following reordering is necessary to promote clarity and uniformity in enforcement on all subjects where uniformity is deemed desirable and practicable;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the following Sections are amended as follows; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the amended Sections are effective 4/1/2021.
New language is indicated in red. Deleted language is shown in strikeout.
Inspection Results and Reinspections
LCHA Policy
A re-inspection will be scheduled of to allow the owner to correct any failing HQS items. The notification will state what repairs must be completed, and when the repairs must be completed by. when the HAP will be abated and when the contract will terminate. If the inspector goes to the unit and if the failed items do not pass on that scheduled inspection, no further scheduling will be made. If an owner notifies LCHA that the failed items are now corrected and requests a second re-inspection, a $40.00 fee will be incurred. An inspection will be done on the corrected items after the owner submits a $40.00 cashier's check or money order to the Central Office in Grayslake.
(Delete from here & Relocate the following paragraph to Chapter 8-II.F. Inspection Results And Reinspections For Units Under HAP Contract, Reinspections, insert as par. 3.)
If the landlord or tenant calls or notifies LCHA prior to the scheduled re-inspection to cancel the appointment, LCHA will only schedule one more inspection. If the unit fails for any reason on the second scheduled re-inspection date (repairs not done, no one home, not able to gain access to the unit) the $40.00 fee will be incurred. The second re-inspection date must fall within the specified time frame for correction or approved extension.
(Eliminate the following paragraph.)
If the participant fails to correct the HQS failed items that are family-caused after proper notification has been given, the LCHA will terminate assistance for the family.
(Delete from here & Relocate the following three (3) paragraphs (minus one sentence) to
Chapter 8-II. G. Enforcing Owner Compliance, HAP Abatement, insert as par. 3, 4, 5.)
When a unit fails to meet HQS and the owner has been given an opportunity to correct the deficiencies but has failed to do so within the required time frame, the HAP for the dwelling unit will be abated.
For Life Threatening defects, the HA will abate payment beginning the day after the 24-hour period.
(Eliminate the following sentence.) For Emergency repairs the HA will abate payment beginning the day after the 5-day period. no later than the end of the current contract.The Housing Authority will recoup money previously paid for the period in abatement. The HAP contract will be terminated the 1st of the month following abatement. If the deficiencies are corrected prior to the HAP contract termination, rent will resume the following day. There will be no way to recoup monies abated because the unit failed Housing Quality Standards.
For non-emergency HQS deficiencies, the HA will abate payment on the 1st of the month following the 30 day notice time frame. The HAP contract may be terminated any time after abatement, but
(Eliminate the following paragraph.)
At the sole discretion of the Lake County Housing Authority, written extensions of up to 30 days may be granted to permit an owner to complete repairs if the owner has made a good faith effort to initiate repairs. If repairs are not completed within 60 days after the initial inspection date, the LCHA will abate the HAP payment and cancel the HAP contract for owner non-compliance. Appropriate extensions will be granted beyond the 60 days if a severe weather condition exists for such items as exterior painting and outside concrete work for porches, steps, and sidewalks.
(Delete from here & Relocate the following paragraph to Chapter 8-II. G. Enforcing Owner Compliance, HAP Abatement, insert as par 6.)
For tenant caused HQS deficiencies, the owner will not be held accountable and the rent will not be abated. The tenant is held to the same standard and timeframes for correction of deficiencies as owners. If repairs are not completed by the deadline, the Lake County Housing Authority will send a notice of termination to both the tenant and the owner. The tenant will be given the opportunity to request an informal hearing.
(Eliminate the following paragraph.)
If a landlord does not provide a current Rental Occupancy Permit when required by the local municipality, the HA will abate payment at the renewal. The HAP will remain on hold for a maximum of 180 days. HUD regulation 982.455 states the HAP contract automatically terminates 180 calendar days after the last housing assistance payment to the owner. If no current Occupancy Permit is provided within the first 90 days, the tenant will be processed to move.
LCHA Policy
(Insert as par. 3)
If the landlord or tenant calls or notifies LCHA prior to the scheduled re-inspection to cancel the appointment, LCHA will only schedule one more inspection. If the unit fails for any reason on the second scheduled re-inspection date (repairs not done, no one home, not able to gain access to the unit) the $40.00 fee will be incurred. The second re-inspection date must fall within the specified time frame for correction or approved extension.
HAP Abatement
LCHA Policy
(Insert as par. 3, 4, 5)
When a unit fails to meet HQS and the owner has been given an opportunity to correct the deficiencies but has failed to do so within the required time frame, the HAP for the dwelling unit will be abated.
For Life Threatening defects, the HA will abate payment beginning the day after the 24-hour period. The Housing Authority will recoup money previously paid for the period in abatement. The HAP contract will be terminated the 1st of the month following abatement. If the deficiencies are corrected prior to the HAP contract termination, rent will resume the following day. There will be no way to recoup monies abated because the unit failed Housing Quality Standards.
For non-emergency HQS deficiencies, the HA will abate payment on the 1st of the month following the 30-day notice time frame. The HAP contract may be terminated any time after abatement, but no later than the end of the current contract.
(Insert as par. 6)
For tenant caused HQS deficiencies, the owner will not be held accountable, and the rent will not be abated. The tenant is held to the same standard and timeframes for correction of deficiencies as owners. If repairs are not completed by the deadline, the Lake County Housing Authority will send a notice of termination to both the tenant and the owner.
After discussion Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Mull to adopt Resolution 2021-30.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on March 18, 2021.
Approval of and Authorization to Submit The Capital Fund Program (CFP) 5-Year Action Plan (2021-2025)
ED/CEO Lorraine Hocker stated this agenda item will be tabled until the April 2021 meeting.
Amending the Employee Handbook - Substance Screen Policy
It is always necessary and important to periodically review the Employee Handbook to ensure employee guidelines are clear and concise. The current handbook requires employees involved in any type of accident (even a minor slip and fall in the office) to undertake a drug screen. There are some accidents that, in the judgement of Executive Management, do not require an employee to undertake a drug screen. It is not cost or time effective to require all employees who have an accident to undertake a drug screen. The current working of the Employee Handbook does not allow for executive judiciousness. Therefore, it is best practice to amend the Employee Handbook to allow for executive judiciousness.
After discussion, Vice Chairman Considine introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, it is appropriate and necessary from time to time to review the Employee Handbook; and
WHEREAS, there are times when, in the judgement of Executive Management, an employee accident does not require a drug screen; and
WHEREAS, the Employee Handbook as currently worded, will not allow for executive judiciousness;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Employee Handbook be and is hereby amended by modifying the Mandatory Screening paragraph in Section 46 to the following:
Mandatory Screening - No Employee shall possess, consume or carry with them alcoholic beverages of any kind, controlled substances not prescribed by a physician, or illegal drugs on Employer's property or in an Employer's vehicle or any other location during working hours. No Employee shall report to work after consuming alcoholic beverages, controlled substances or illegal drugs in a condition that makes him/her unfit for full and reliable performance of job responsibilities.
Employees who, as part of a medical treatment plan, are required by a physician to use prescription drugs or narcotics must report this fact to their immediate supervisor along with any reasonable medical documentation requested by the Employer prior to reporting to work. A determination shall be made by the Employer as to whether the Employee is able to perform his/her work responsibilities satisfactorily.
- Any Employee suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or any other good cause, will may be required to submit to urine analysis or blood test.
- Any Employee involved in an accident will may be required to submit to a drug or alcohol test.
- Any Employee involved with damage to equipment belonging or entrusted to the Employer will may be required to submit to a drug or alcohol test.
- Any Employee who has indicated that he/she is unable to perform their duties or has given Employer cause to suspect drug or alcohol usage affecting his/her job will may be required to submit to a drug or alcohol test.
- Excessive or unusual absenteeism may be cause for drug or alcohol tests.
- Any Employee convicted of selling drugs, convicted of illegal drug usage or illegal possession may be terminated.
After discussion Vice Chairman Considine moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adopt Resolution 2021-32.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on March 18, 2021.
Amending the Employee Handbook - Adopting Section 6 Employee Expectations
It is always necessary and important to periodically review the Employee Handbook to ensure employee guidelines are clear and concise. The current handbook is over fifty pages. It is beneficial to summarize the important guidelines in the Employee Handbook as they relate to expectations of employment and summarize those guidelines in one place for easy reference. The Employee Expectations section was created to summarize important Employee Handbook guidelines and provide an easy and quick reference point for employees. The new section will provide clear and concise information for employees as it relates to the expectations of their employment with Lake County Housing Authority.
After discussion, Vice Chairman Considine introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, it is appropriate and necessary from time to time to review the Employee Handbook; and
WHEREAS, the Employee Handbook has all employee guidelines; and
WHEREAS, it is beneficial to provide employees clear and concise expectations of their employment and require an annual commitment;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Employee Handbook be and is hereby amended by adding Section 6. EMPLOYEE EXPECTATIONS as follows:
- Follow Policies and Procedures. You must follow all the policies and procedures set forth by LCHA.
- Provide Excellence in Customer Service. We expect you to always be professional, courteous, and kind [fair, firm, friendly]. Whether you are delivering good news, bad news, or general communication it is expected that LCHA employees will always present with kindness and respect.
- Be Dependable and Punctual. We expect you to be on the job every day and on time. If you will be absent or late, you must call both extension 2100 and your supervisor. If you have an appointment let your supervisor know in advance.
- Be Honest and Have Integrity. We expect you to be truthful and choose ethical courses of action.
- Maintain Confidentiality. You may be exposed to confidential participant, tenant, landlord, or vendor information. You are expected not to breach this confidentiality.
- Show Initiative. We expect you to complete your job. If you find yourself with downtime, ask your supervisor for direction and/or assist your coworkers.
- Be Willing to Learn and Show Enthusiasm. We expect you to be enthusiastic about learning the functions of your job and how it relates to LCHA's complete function.
- Ask for Further Instructions if the task is unclear. Request clarification if you are unsure how to complete an assignment.
- Accept Criticism. Constructive criticism is given to improve job performance. Listen and learn from the constructive criticisms your supervisor will share with you.
- Produce Quality Work. You are expected to produce a high quality of work and to always do your best.
- Participate as a Member of a Team. You are expected to respect and work well with coworkers and contribute to your team, as well as to, LCHA as a whole.
- Be Flexible and accept assignments that may not fall under your specified job duties.
- Observe and Respect Chain of Command. Learn what position each of your coworkers holds in the Authority and how their position relates to yours.
- Work with Diversity. You are expected to respect and work well with coworkers, participants, tenants, landlords and vendors from diverse backgrounds.
- Professional Conduct. Maintain professional conduct at all times.
Additional information
Drug-Free Workplace: We are a drug-free workplace. Employees may be required to take a drug test later if they are involved in an accident during work hours or for reasonable suspicion.
Flexible Schedules: We understand the complexities of balancing work and family life. We respect the need for flexible work schedules and will accommodate when possible. Some positions require unique demands and don't always allow for flexibility. Utilizing flexibility in your schedule requires teamwork and is only permitted with a supervisor's approval. Abuse of flexible schedule is grounds for disciplinary action.
Time Off of Work
Everyone deserves time from work and is encouraged to utilize the benefits provided to you. That time from work must be 1) approved and 2) properly communicated.
If you are unexpectedly going to be absent and will not be coming to work, you must notify your supervisor and extension 2100. If you are unable to reach your supervisor, contact Human Resources. The goal is to make sure someone is aware that you are out.
To use PTO the PTO time must already be accrued. You must have supervisor approval before taking time off. It is best practice to send your PTO request via an Outlook invitation to your supervisor. This will put the request on your calendar and your supervisor's calendar and allow all others to see you are out of the office. The PTO time off must also be requested in the payroll system.
Employees are responsible for properly reporting time away from the office on their timecards. Timecards are audited for accuracy. Timecards must reflect the actual time worked, PTO time, holiday time, overtime, and any other pertinent time-related information for review. Annually, either your Supervisor or the Human Resource Director will be provided with an accounting of employee's time.
Progressive Discipline
LCHA has a written personnel policy that documents the various types and reasons why/when employee discipline would be used. The most important part of being an outstanding supervisor and/or high caliber employee is using and providing good communication. Good, open, and honest communication often prevents the need for disciplinary action. However, when there is a need for action, LCHA uses the following progressive discipline methods.
- Verbal (warning/discussion): Supervisor should speak to the employee and provide immediate feedback and an understanding of what and why there is an issue because of action or inaction on the employee's part. The verbal warning also consists of a note to the employee's file. This is "less" official and is not considered a formal disciplinary action but a summation that a verbal warning took place.
- Written Warning: The supervisor moves directly to a written warning. The supervisor will consult with Human Resources/Executive Director on intent to document the employee infraction. The supervisor and Human Resources will then meet with the employee to discuss the issue. The supervisor, Human Resources and the employee sign the warning. The Written Warning is an official form of disciplinary action and will be placed in the employee's file.
- Suspension without pay: If written warnings have been unsuccessful, the supervisor may request to remove the employee from the job, temporarily, without pay. The supervisor must consult with Human Resources and have the Executive Director's approval before an employee is suspended without pay. The supervisor must provide proper applicable supporting documentation. The Deputy Director and Human Resources will then meet with the employee to suspend. The suspension letter will be placed in the employees file, at which time Human Resources and the Executive Director will review the employees file and evaluate the employee for continued employment.
- Discharge: The supervisor requests to discharge an employee from the job. Only the Executive Director has the power to discharge an employee. To support an employee's discharge, the supervisor must provide proper applicable written documentation, and egregious and or severely poor behavior or performance must be demonstrated.
Date:_____________Print Name Employee:____________________
Employee Signature:__________________________
(NOTE: Employees must sign two copies of this acknowledgement. One copy will be maintained in the personnel file and the other copy is for the employee's records.)
After discussion Vice Chairman Considine moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adopt Resolution 2021-33.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on March 18, 2021.
Amending the Employee Handbook - Adopting Section 40 Anti-Bullying Policy
It is always necessary and important to periodically review the Employee Handbook to ensure employee guidelines are clear and concise. The current handbook does not specifically address workplace bullying. Workplace bullying can be defined as a "continual and relentless attack on other people's self-confidence and self-esteem" (Tim Field, author of Bully In Sight.) Workplace bullying does not always include yelling, screaming or fits of rage. In fact, it usually takes place on a much quieter scale-in the form of exhibiting unwarranted criticism or intimidation, blaming someone without factual justification, unfairly singling someone out, or spreading rumors. No matter what form it takes, workplace bullying leaves people feeling powerless and confused. Experts say policies addressing workplace bullying are a good business practice and help promote a culture of civility. Therefore, it is important for Lake County Housing Authority to adopt a specific Workplace Bullying policy.
After discussion, Vice Chairman Considine introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, it is appropriate and necessary from time to time to review the Employee Handbook; and
WHEREAS, Executive Management believes it is important to protect clients and staff against workplace bullying; and
WHEREAS, in order to provide guidance and protect clients and staff against workplace bullying, it is necessary to adopt an Anti-Bullying policy;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Employee Handbook be and is hereby amended by adding Section 40 ANTI- BULLYING POLICY (including CYBER BULLYING).
Lake County Housing Authority considers workplace bullying unacceptable and will not tolerate it under any circumstances. This policy shall apply to all employees, regardless of his or her employment status (i.e., salary vs. hourly, full-time vs. part-time, employee vs. independent contractor, compensated vs. non-compensated, resident vs. employee). Any employee found in violation of this policy will be disciplined, up to and including immediate termination. Independent contractors found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to contract cancellation.
Lake County Housing Authority defines bullying as persistent, malicious, unwelcome, severe, and pervasive mistreatment that harms, intimidates, offends, degrades, or humiliates an employee, whether verbal, physical, or otherwise in or outside the workplace and/or in the course of employment. Included within this Policy is cyber bullying which is bullying through the use of technology or electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, video gaming systems, email, and the Internet.
Lake County Housing Authority promotes a healthy workplace culture where all employees are able to work in an environment free of bullying behavior.
Lake County Housing Authority encourages all employees to report any instance of bullying behavior. Any reports of this type will be treated seriously, investigated promptly and impartially.
Lake County Housing Authority further encourages all employees to formally report any concerns of assault, battery, or other bullying behavior of a criminal nature to the Grayslake Police Department. Lake County Housing Authority requires any supervisor who witnesses any bullying, irrespective of reporting relationship, to immediately report this conduct to Human Resources and/or the Executive Director. Lake County Housing Authority will protect an employee who reports bullying conduct from retaliation or reprisal.
Lake County Housing Authority considers the following types of behavior to constitute workplace bullying. Please note, this list is not meant to be exhaustive and is only offered by way of example:
- Staring, glaring or other nonverbal demonstrations of hostility;
- Exclusion or social isolation;
- Excessive monitoring or micro-managing;
- Work-related harassment (work-overload, unrealistic deadlines, meaningless tasks);
- Being held to a different standard than the rest of an employee's work group;
- Consistent ignoring or interrupting of an employee in front of co-workers;
- Personal attacks (angry outbursts, excessive profanity, or name-calling);
- Encouragement of others to turn against the targeted employee;
- Sabotage of a co-worker's work product or undermining of an employee's work performance;
- Stalking;
- Unwelcome touching or unconsented-to touching;
- Invasion of another's person's personal space;
- Unreasonable interference with an employee's ability to do his or her work (i.e., overloading of emails);
- Repeated infliction of verbal abuse, such as the use of derogatory remarks, insults and epithets;
- Conduct that a reasonable person would find hostile, offensive, and unrelated to the employer's legitimate business interests.
Cyber bullying, like bullying, may include:
- Sending hurtful, hateful, derogatory, harassing or threatening messages to others;
- Spreading rumors; and/or
- 'Sending personal or embarrassing information about or pictures of others - all with the intention of intimidating, frightening, ridiculing, or harming someone else.
Early reporting and intervention have proven to be the most effective method of resolving actual or perceived incidents of bullying. Therefore, while no fixed reporting period has been established, Lake County Housing Authority strongly urges the prompt reporting of complaints or concerns so that rapid and constructive action can be taken. Lake County Housing Authority will make every effort to stop alleged workplace bullying before it becomes severe or pervasive but can only do so with the cooperation of its employees.
Individuals who believe they have experienced conduct that they believe violates this policy, or who have concerns about such matters, should report their complaints verbally or in writing to his or her supervisor, Human Resources, the Executive Director, or in the case of a complaint against the Executive Director, to the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners before the conduct becomes severe or pervasive. Individuals should not feel obligated to report their complaints to their immediate supervisor first before bringing the matter to the attention of one of the other designated representatives identified herein.
The availability of this complaint procedure does not preclude individuals who believe they are being subjected to bullying conduct from promptly advising the offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome and requesting that such behavior immediately stop.
After discussion Vice Chairman Considine moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adopt Resolution 2021-34.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on March 18, 2021.
Authorization To Submit The Section 18 Disposition Application-35906 Green Bay Road, Waukegan, IL
ED/CEO Lorraine Hocker previously advised the Board of LCHA's intent to demolish and/or dispose of our public housing scattered site properties. On 8/20/20 and 10/15/20 we asked the Board's approval of LCHA submitting the Section 18 Demo/Dispo application to HUD. HUD also requires a letter of support from the city/village/town of the property being considered. LCHA petitioned the relevant local governments for the letters. The responses were positive to our overall plan but the paperwork lagged behind.
The Board approved the Section 18 Demo/Dispo applications which were then forwarded to HUD. HUD experienced staff changes and the local city/villages did not supply an immediate written approval. We are happy to report the written approval has been received from Waukegan & Antioch but after LCHA Board approval.
HUD requires a specific order of approval; local city/village and then LCHA Board. Therefore, we are requesting approval to submit the Section 18 Demo/Dispo applications to HUD for 35906 Green Bay Road, Waukegan, IL and 300 Park Avenue, Antioch, IL This is only a change in the approval date by the Board. Resolutions are unchanged.
After discussion, Vice Chairman Considine introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the Lake County Housing Authority (LCHA) owns a vacant single-family residential property located at 35906 Green Bay Road, Waukegan, IL and
WHEREAS, LCHA desires to sell the property to the general public as it aligns with the PHA's goals and Public Housing reposition strategy; and
WHEREAS, in order to obtain the approval of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), pursuant to Section 18 of the 1937 Housing Act, 24 CFR part 970 and PIH Notice 2018-04 LCHA needs to submit a disposition application to the Special Applications Center (SAC) office at HUD;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake Approves and Authorizes the Submission of the Section 18 Disposition Application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the LCHA Executive Director is authorized to execute the final form of the agreements and any supporting HUD documents to facilitate the sale of the property located at 3590 Green Bay Road, Waukegan, IL.
After discussion Vice Chairman Considine moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adopt Resolution 2021-35.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on March 18, 2021.
Authorization To Submit The Section 18 Disposition Application-300 Park Avenue, Antioch, IL
ED/CEO Lorraine Hocker stated the letter of approval had not yet been received and this agenda item will be tabled until the April 2021 meeting.
Operating Fund
1. Financial Audit Services - Agency Wide
After discussion, Commissioner Malter introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, it has been found and determined that the bids received and shown on the attached bid tabulation were informally solicited by telephone or in writing from at least three (3) suppliers or in the case of a sole source supplier the requisite certification has been made; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that the following purchase and contract is in accordance with HUD Regulations; and
WHEREAS, the following contractor is determined not to be on the HUD Debarred Contractors list;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois, that the following bid is approved, and the appropriate staff are authorized to issue purchase orders for said equipment, materials, labor and/or services.
Rubino Annual Financial Audit Services Agency Wide $18,550.00
After discussion Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Idleburg to adopt Resolution 2021-37
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on March 18, 2021.
2. Multi-Flo/NAYADIC Annual Service Contract - Sole Source - AMPs 4, 5
After discussion, Commissioner Mull introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, it has been found and determined that the bids received and shown on the attached bid tabulation were informally solicited by telephone or in writing from at least three (3) suppliers or in the case of a sole source supplier the requisite certification has been made; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that the following purchase and contract is in accordance with HUD Regulations; and
WHEREAS, the following contractor is determined not to be on the HUD Debarred Contractors list;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois, that the following bid is approved, and the appropriate staff are authorized to issue purchase orders for said equipment, materials, labor and/or services.
Lake Cook Multi-Flo/NAYADIC AMPs 4, 5 $215/Unit
Trenching Annual Service Contract Sole Source Semi-Annual Visit
After discussion Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Considine to adopt Resolution 2021-38.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on March 18, 2021.
Commissioner Roundtable - Discussion
Chairman Jordan commended Executive Secretary Valerie Rogers on the proficient operations of the Board meetings through the Zoom platform and general organization of the meeting materials.
Executive Session - Personnel Matters
At 1:09 p.m. Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to go into Executive Session to discuss Personnel Matters. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: None. Motion Carries.
The Board returned to open session at 1:18 p.m. and roll call was taken. Present: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Absent: None.
The Board discussed Personnel Matters. No action was taken during the Executive Session.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adjourn the meeting. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: None. Motion Carries. Motion Carries. Meeting adjourned at 1:18 p.m.
Dr. H. Lee Jordan, Jr.
Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/CEO