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June 17, 2021 - Minutes

For a printable version of The Lake County Housing Authority June 17, 2021 Meeting Minutes, click here.

Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-07 & 2020-18 signed by Governor Pritzker and guidance provided by legal counsel, the Lake County Housing Authority conducted this meeting by use of telephonic or electronic means without a physical quorum present in the boardroom. Public access to this meeting was available as follows: Call: 1 312-626-6799 and Enter Meeting ID 893 2281 7211.

Consequently, the June 17, 2021, Regular Board Meeting of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake was held as a teleconference via the Zoom platform. A public notice of the meeting and the opportunity for telephonic access by the public has been posted on LCHA's social media and website (

The Regular Board Meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois, was held June 17, 2021, via Zoom and at the Lake County Housing Authority Central Office, 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030.

(Commissioners participated in this Board Meeting via teleconference.)

Dr. H. Lee Jordan, Jr., Chairman
Kevin Considine, Vice Chairman
Susan Malter, Commissioner
Irina Mishalov, Commissioner
Beverly Mull, Commissioner

Absent: John Idleburg, Commissioner

(Physically present at 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030.)

LCHA Staff: Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/CEO
Ofelia Navarro, Deputy Director
Khadija Darr, Chief Financial Officer
Lefran Elgezdi, Director of Human Resources
Valerie Rogers, Executive Secretary

Posting of the notice of this meeting and agenda complied with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2.02(a)). The notice and agenda were posted prior to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, at the principal office, 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030 and on the Agency's website,


Noting that a quorum of Commissioners was present, Chairman Jordan called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m. Roll call was taken, and the following Commissioners were present: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Absent: Idleburg.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Public comments were accepted by email at or by leaving a voice message at (847) 223-1170 ext. 2320. Comments received by 9:00 a.m. on June 17, 2021, are to be read at the appropriate time in the agenda.

No Public Comments were submitted either by email or telephone by 9:00 a.m. on June 17, 2021. Chairman Jordan opened the floor for public comment. No one requested to be heard.


After discussion, Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Considine to approve the Minutes of the May 20, 2021, Regular and Executive Session Minutes - Personnel Matters. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Jordan. Nays: None. Abstain: Mull. Absent and Not Voting: Idleburg. Motion Carries.


The list of bills and financial report were submitted by Chief Financial Officer Khadija Darr.
(See Exhibits 08, 09)

CFO Khadija Darr responded to the following questions:

HCV/ Voucher Program incl. Mainstream
The Voucher program reports an administrative operating surplus ytd of $478,983
CFO Darr reported this amount is strictly for administrative funder and rolls over month/month and year/year. A portion of this is earmarked for electronic tenant files, a paperless file system.

LRPH/Public Housing Program
At month end LRPH operated at an aggregated $56,977 surplus, as total income continues to outpace operating costs
LRPH is projected to recognize $325,653 of CFP 2021 operating income in June
YTD Maintenance costs are exceeding budget by $140,229 currently, w/ amps 2,3,5 being the culprits.
CFO Darr reported she is aware and is monitoring/addressing it with Director of Facilities Zachary Stone.

COCC/Central Office Cost Center
COCC operating expenses continue to exceed income resulting in a (-$209,296) operating deficit ytd
COCC is projected to recognize $162,826 of F2021 Capital Fund Mgmt. fee income in June
Ending operating reserves are reporting as unfavorable with less than 1 mo. of reserves on hand.
CFO Darr reported LCHA has not received the Capital Fund Program management fee which will absorb most of it. She will be meeting with ED/CEO Hocker to discuss the deficit.

Business Activities
Managed properties rent collections are down -13% ytd
CFO Darr reported current vacancies contribute to the uncollected percentage. She stated Property managers are handling the situation.

CHC/Housing Counseling Program
The housing counseling program reports an operating surplus of $789,730 YTD
CHC operating reserves report as favorable at $815,534
As projected, the program remains self-sustaining as it continues to administer supplemental assistance programs.
CFO Darr reported the weekly payouts for the Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (FERA) are large. As these figures represent April 2021, the May 2021 reporting should show a substantial reduction in the surplus.

After discussion, Vice Chairman Considine moved, seconded by Commissioner Mull to approve the list of bills as presented. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: Idleburg. Motion Carries.


The following reports for May 2021 were provided.

Public Housing-Zachary Stone, Director of Facilities
(Exhibit 01)

Procurement Aaron Broeski-Project Manager
(Exhibit 02)

Property Disposition-Derek Eovaldi, Property Disposition Coordinator
(Exhibit 03)

Housing Choice Voucher, PBV-Jennifer Ferguson, Director of HCV & Compliance Portability & Collections (Exhibit 04)

FSS, Housing Counseling-Heidi Semenek, Director of FSS & Special Programs Mainstream Vouchers & FUP (Exhibit 05)

Human Resources-Lefran Elgezdi, Director of Human Resources
(Exhibit 06)

FOIA/OMA, Travel-Training Valerie Rogers, Executive Secretary/FOIA & OMA
(Exhibit 07)

Other Matters

  1. A reminder announcement was made that as per the Board Meeting schedule, the July Board Meeting is earlier than usual. It will be held July 8, 2021, at 12:30 p.m. The Annual and Regular Meeting are both held on this date. The Board nominates and selects the Chair and Vice Chair at the Annual Meeting.
  2. COVID 19 Update: LCHA promotes all options for vaccine opportunities to the Senior Sites including mobile vaccine units. Currently working with Health Department to identify under-resourced communities with the education and transportation for the Covid Vaccination.
  3. Housing Choice and Special Voucher (HCV/SPV) Programs: Landlord Outreach Workshop - offering once/month through October. Information and resources provided for the Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (FERA) and Illinois Rental Payment Program (ILRPP) with landlords to encourage them to coordinate with the PHA and engage with their tenants before the eviction moratorium. Advantages for landlord participation with the various programs administered by LCHA.
  4. North Chicago:
    Regency -100% Occupancy
    Brookstone 83% Occupancy
    The project anticipated completion date - August 01, 2021

    2nd Meeting with the Mayor, Chief of Police, Lieutenant, City Aldermen, Dorchester Management, and Director of Development addressing ways to collaborate and manage the criminal activity. Suggested implement parking permits to date and less than ten (10) days 88 vehicles towed. Biweekly updates with Lt. Diaz.
  5. Zion: ED/CEO Lorraine Hocker met with Mayor McKinney, the new Chief of Police, Sgt. Zaloudek, and two others. The meeting was the request of the mayor as an introduction to the new Chief of Police and the others to find creative ways to work collaboratively together to meet the needs of the community, address the crime of the HCV Participants, and more Landlord/Owner involvement.
  6. Section 18 Repositioning Disposition. 2nd Teams meeting with a HUD Technical Assistance (TA) Consultant and Field Office (FO) Reps. for Disposition guidance. Working with Brenda O'Connell and others in the County to Identify Homes that may be of interest to other affordable housing entities.
  7. Ms. Hocker was contacted by John Gerut, LCHA's Portfolio Management Specialist at HUD. His office organized a roundtable of best practices and invited Lake County HA as (he stated) LCHA is a good example of best practices when collaborating with a Continuum of Care (CoC). The objective of the roundtable is to discuss best practices in the collaboration with CoC's, and thus assist other PHA's in the state to establish a positive relationship and MOU. Ms. Hocker was grateful for the recognition and always is willing to work in partnership.


Resolution 2021-65 Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding Between Lake County Housing Authority & Lake County Workforce Development/Job Center of Lake County

The Lake County Workforce Development Board approached LCHA to execute a Memorandum of Understanding. The MOU describes cost sharing, service access, service delivery and other matters essential to the establishment of effective local workforce development services under WIOA (§678.705). The MOU is between 16 federally funded programs delivered by 16 partner agencies and the Workforce Development Board and has been approved by the Lake County Board.

The MOU will be used as an essential tool for achieving a key goal of WIOA - establishing an integrated and effective local workforce delivery system that produces the skilled workers that businesses in Lake County and regional economies require. The MOU is intended to reflect the shared vision of the partnering agencies to for a local one stop shop delivery system and commitment of the Workforce Development Board and required partners to high-quality workforce development systems and centers and be consistent with the vision articulated by the Federal government and State, regional and local planning priorities. This is a cost sharing agreement - facility costs are shared by all partners based on an FTE (Full Time Equivalent) methodology. The Lake County Housing Authority has had an ongoing MOU with the Workforce Development Board for several years and wants to continue with this important partnership.

After discussion, Commissioner Mull introduced the following Resolution:



WHEREAS, on July 22, 2014, President Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA); and

WHEREAS, WIOA provides resources, services and leadership tools for the workforce system that improves employer engagement and competitiveness for success in the global marketplace by helping individuals find good jobs, retain employment and advance job-related skill sets; and

WHEREAS, Lake County has been designated as a local workforce development area by the State of Illinois; and

WHEREAS, WIOA requires Lake County to develop and submit workforce compliance plans in order for Lake County to receive WIOA Formula funding; and

WHEREAS, the Memorandum of Understanding, in cooperation with its partners, establishes a collaborative framework encouraging cooperation, collaboration, communication, policy and technical guidance and governance to assist with the efficient and effective participation in the WIOA implementation in Lake County, Illinois; and

WHEREAS, Lake County and the Lake County Workforce Development Board have reviewed and approved the Job Center of Lake County Memorandum of Understanding; and

WHEREAS, Lake County Housing Authority's Family Self Sufficiency Program is a voluntary program for participants who wish to improve their financial situation emphasizing employment as well as education and training; and

WHEREAS, Lake County Housing Authority has had an ongoing partnership with Lake County Workforce Development/Job Center of Lake County for several years and wishes to continue to partner this Memorandum of Understanding;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of LCHA hereby approves the Executive Director and/or her designee to execute the Memorandum of Understanding between Lake County Housing Authority and Lake County Workforce Development/Job Center of Lake County in substantially the form attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

(See Exhibits 10, 11)

After discussion Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Considine to adopt Resolution 2021-65.

Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: Idleburg
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries

Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on June 17, 2021.

Resolution 2021-66 Authorizing Staff to Proceed with Procurement of Technical Assistance on Behalf of The Regional Housing Initiative For Operating and Management Agreements

The Regional Housing Initiative (RHI) is a partnership between eight housing authorities, including LCHA, in northeastern Illinois. RHI works to support affordable and mixed-income housing developments in opportunity areas.

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is a comprehensive planning organization who helps the seven counties, and 284 communities of northeastern Illinois implement strategies that address transportation, housing, economic development, open space, the environment, and other quality-of-life issues.

CMAP provides staffing support to RHI by serving as a liaison between partners, assisting with the development of RHI initiatives, and providing other programmatic support as requested by RHI partners.

The RHI partners wish to issue a Request for Qualifications to commission technical assistance to focus on improving programmatic processes.

The RHI partners are seeking technical assistance to update, trouble shoot, standardize, and streamline the Operation and Management Agreements (OMA). CMAP is not a partner and therefore, not able to author/sponsor the procurement of this consultant. The RHI partners are financially supporting the procurement but asking LCHA to administer the process.

After discussion, Commissioner Mull introduced the following Resolution:



WHEREAS, Lake County Housing Authority is a party to that certain Intergovernmental Agreement on June 30, 2019 establishing the Regional Housing Initiative program ("RHI"); and

WHEREAS, The Chicago Housing Authority, the Housing Authority of Cook County, the DuPage County Housing Authority, the Kendall County Housing Authority, the McHenry County Housing Authority, the Housing Authority of Joliet, and the Oak Park Housing Authority are also party to that certain Intergovernmental Agreement on June 30, 2019, establishing RHI; and

WHEREAS, The RHI was established to address the region's current housing shortage and promote a more equitable distribution of affordable housing opportunities and to encourage the development, rehabilitation and preservation of quality rental housing throughout the Chicago metropolitan region; and

WHEREAS, The RHI fulfills this charge by using project-based vouchers to support the creation of new rental housing in the jurisdictions of its members; and

WHEREAS, some of the developments include project-based vouchers from multiple members of the RHI; and

WHEREAS, Individual members of RHI have entered into operating and management agreements (OMAs) to govern the administrative complexities of the developments with project-based vouchers from multiple public housing authorities; and

WHEREAS, the members of RHI agreed at the November 2020 RHI meeting that they want to improve the quality of these OMAs by procuring technical assistance; and

WHEREAS, the members of RHI agreed to share the cost paying for technical assistance;


Section 1: Staff are authorized to proceed with a procurement for technical assistance to improve the quality of OMAs for RHI, including for agreements into which the Lake County Housing Authority has entered.

Section 2: Staff shall follow the procurement policies of the Lake County Housing Authority

Section 3: This resolution shall be effective as of the date of its adoption.

(See Exhibits 12, 13)

After discussion Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adopt Resolution 2021-66.

Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: Idleburg
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries

Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on June 17, 2021.

Resolution 2021-67 Approving A Memorandum of Understanding Between the Lake County Housing Authority and The Lake County Coalition for The Homeless to Coordinate Services to Administer the Emergency Housing Vouchers in Accordance With All Program Requirements

HUD awarded LCHA fifty-five (55) Emergency Housing Vouchers with associated funding as authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law No: 117-2). In accordance with HUD Notice PIH 2021-15, LCHA must partner with a Continuum of Care agency for direct referrals meeting the specified population in the notice.

LCHA currently partners with the Lake County Coalition for the Homeless to assess and match households to appropriate and available housing in accordance with community priorities, and a range of temporary and long-term housing options. Through this MOU, we mutually wish to continue our efforts in serving the community by identifying and providing appropriate households with Emergency Housing Vouchers.

After discussion, Commissioner Mull introduced the following Resolution:



WHEREAS, by letter dated 5/10/21, Lake County Housing Authority (LCHA) was notified by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) of the award of fifty-five (55) Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs) and funding as authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law No: 117-2); and

WHEREAS, as per HUD Notice PIH 2021-15, PHAs that agree to accept an allocation of EHVs must enter into an MOU with a partnering Continuum of Care (CoC) to assist qualifying families through a direct referral process; and

WHEREAS, the Lake County Coalition for the Homeless (LCCH) is the established Continuum of Care (CoC) for Lake County, representing and organizing government, service providers, businesses, and philanthropy; and

WHEREAS, LCCH has a functioning Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS) and a Coordinated Entry system to assess and match households to appropriate and available housing; and

WHEREAS, the attached MOU delineates and codifies LCHA and LCCH's commitment to administering the EHVs in accordance with all program requirements;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of Lake County Housing Authority hereby authorizes the Executive Director/CEO, or her designee, to negotiate and execute the attached Memorandum of Understanding with the Lake County Coalition for the Homeless for the purpose of providing a framework for LCHA and LCCH to administer the Emergency Housing Vouchers in accordance with all program requirements.

(See Exhibits 14, 15)

After discussion Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adopt Resolution 2021-67.

Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: Idleburg
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries

Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on June 17, 2021.

Resolution 2021-68 Adopting A New Mission Statement, Vision and Values for The Housing Authority of The County of Lake

Ms. Hocker explained the resulting proposed statements are a progressive development of the Leadership Staff and their respective departments over a two-year period.

As a leader, Ms. Hocker stated she appreciates that staff is juggling many external influences beyond their control but clearly see their 'Eyes Are On the Prize' - our clients.

Ms. Hocker proposes to restate our Mission, Vision and Values to reflect the end results everyone works towards.

In support of this, we will adopt appropriate tools, technology, and invest in training to establish and sustain a flexible workplace. We will remain responsive and agile to the changing environment and revisit goals specific to our Mission, Vision and Values on a periodic basis.

As a leader, Ms. Hocker also recognizes the unending support of the Board and is grateful.

After discussion, Commissioner Malter introduced the following Resolution:



WHEREAS, in alliance with Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Marcia Fudge, policies and programs are needed that can adapt to meet a community's unique housing challenges; and

WHEREAS, Federal budget deficits and fiscal constraints have been felt by Housing Authorities across the nation making it harder to maintain staffing, while the increased HUD requirements have created challenges; and

WHEREAS, Lake County Housing Authority will not allow resulting limitations reflect on the focus on our clients and the future direction of LCHA; and

WHEREAS, through discussions, the Board of Commissioners has provided policy direction in the drafting of a new Mission Statement, Vision and Values for LCHA; and

WHEREAS, the Mission Statement, Vision and Values embodies the overall philosophy, objectives and strategic goals LCHA intends to embrace and future guide staff;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners adopts the Lake County Housing Authority Mission Statement, Vision and Values as set forth below:

LCHA Mission Statement

Lifting Up Others
Changing Lives by Providing Sustainable Affordable Housing
Helping Create Success Stories
And Empowering Families

One Roof At A Time


To be a leader in affordable housing by taking an innovative and dynamic approach to developing sustainable communities throughout Lake County.

Our Values


(See Exhibit 16)

After discussion Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Mull to adopt Resolution 2021-68.

Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: Idleburg
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries

Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on June 17, 2021.


Capital Fund
1. Resolution 2021-69 Laundry Vending Equipment - AMPs 2 & 3

After discussion, Commissioner Mull introduced the following Resolution:




WHEREAS, it has been found and determined that the bids received and shown on the attached bid tabulation were informally solicited by telephone or in writing from at least three (3) suppliers or in the case of a sole source supplier the requisite certification has been made; and

WHEREAS, it has been determined that the following purchase and contract is in accordance with HUD Regulations; and

WHEREAS, the following contractor is determined not to be on the HUD Debarred Contractors list;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois, that the following bid is approved, and the appropriate staff are authorized to issue purchase orders for said materials, labor and/or service.


Midwest Washers (21) & Dryers (21) Senior Buildings,
Laundries, Inc. with Card Readers AMPs 2 & 3 $70,643.00

(See Exhibits 17, 18)

After discussion Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Considine to adopt Resolution 2021-69.

Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: Idleburg
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries

Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on June 17, 2021.

Commissioner Roundtable - Discussion

No discussion topics were introduced by Commissioners.

Executive Session - Personnel Matters

At 1:06 p.m. Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Mull to go into Executive Session to discuss Personnel Matters. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: Idleburg. Motion Carries.

The Board returned to open session at 1:19 p.m. and roll call was taken. Present: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Absent: Idleburg.

The Board discussed Personnel Matters. No action was taken during the Executive Session.

Resolution 2021-70 Authorizing the Execution of The Employment Agreement for The Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer of The Housing Authority of The County of Lake.

After discussion, Commissioner Mull introduced the following Resolution:



WHEREAS, on 1/21/21 by Resolution 2021-24 the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake (Board) reviewed and approved the performance, compensation and term of a new employment agreement for Lorraine Hocker as Executive Director/CEO; and

WHEREAS, Hocker and the Board desire to address additional considerations and criteria in the Agreement, specifically Paragraph 3 (Incentive Payment); and

WHEREAS, the Board has discussed the revised language for determining eligibility for Incentive Payment; and

WHEREAS, the Board believes the proposed Employment Agreement is acceptable, subject to available funding.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Housing Authority of the County of Lake hereby approves and adopts the attached Employment Agreement between the Housing Authority of the County of Lake and Loraine Hocker as amended; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Employment Agreement for and on behalf of the Housing Authority; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution is effective upon its adoption retroactive to January 1, 2021.

(See Exhibits 19, 20)

After discussion Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Considine to adopt Resolution 2021-70.

Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: Idleburg
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries

Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on June 17, 2021.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Vice Chairman Considine moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adjourn the meeting. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: Idleburg. Motion Carries. Meeting adjourned at 1:21 p.m.

Dr. H. Lee Jordan, Jr.

Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/CEO